I am reading “Magnum Contact Sheets“. It was a Christmas gift. If you are interested in photography GET IT NOW. Well, that was a bit bossy of me especially given that it is an affiliate link. It will make me a very rich old man; well, not that old, or rich and not that naive. However, I thought that studying photography at TAFE would help me improve, rejuvenate and grow in it. It was not to be!

Have a look at my struggle with B&W 35mm film camera work. In my defence, I would say that I was unable to find darkroom equipment that would work with any degree of accuracy. Couple that with my non-existing set of required skills, and you will have this:

I was hoping to improve from here; But, apparently there was no time for it, and for what it’s worth, there was no interest at all from any of the teachers to help or see one improve.

It was my second week of TAFE; I tasted the reality too soon into it and started frantically trying to find a single reason to go on. No, not to go on living silly, to go on with my studying. It was frustrating and disappointing, and just like so many years ago a “bell rang” with my grandmother’s beautiful low voice telling me “If you started something, finish it!” and I did.

My grandmother’s name was Alexandra same as my daughter’s, what a coincidence, can you believe it? Both Alexandras would just look at me, not saying much, and it would make me feel better somehow. It would somehow slow down everything around me, it would remove a straw with a loving hand and guide you on with soft blue light. Here I am, several months later, working on setting up my very own darkroom and looking forward starting this year with the Brisbane Camera Group‘s membership.

First rate chaps? I’ll say! Come back again for more on this …

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